You’ve found the perfect hobby and are now a fan of audio books. They are so convenient because you can listen anywhere. You can even do your workout while listening to them. Now that you are a committed audio book fan, the most important thing is to choose the right type of player for you.

You can use your home stereo system’s CD player if you plan to listen to most of your music in comfort. The in-car CD player is best if you plan to listen to audio books in your car. Even though it is getting harder to get high quality recordings on this medium, some devotees are still loyal to the old technology.

Although there is much debate over which medium is best for audio books, I believe it is more practical to choose a player that meets your needs and your budget.

One of my old friends, who was one of the first to embrace audio books, has a large collection of audio book cassettes. He plays them on an old cassette player. Although technology has advanced to digital play devices and the more modern formats that can be downloaded online, my friend still prefers to listen in cassette format to his audio books. He might think it’s like those who love their vinyl records but resist buying CDs or cassettes. Everyone has their preferences.

You won’t get the audiobook experience you want if you are just beginning or if you have an educational purpose for it. These devices, known as MP3 players have been the most popular choice for audio book listeners since their introduction. There are many MP3 players that can be purchased to fit every budget. There are many brands and sizes to choose from, so you can find the right one for your needs. However, not all MP3 players are capable of playing audio books according to the recommended specifications.

These are some important things to keep in mind when you decide if your MP3 player can play the role of your audio book player:

The MP3’s conversion speed: Your MP3 player should have a rate of above 16KB to ensure the best sound quality mp3juice.

The MP3’s memory: It is important that the player you choose has a sufficient amount of gigabytes. Many audio books can last for a very long time. Sometimes, it can take up to 10 hours. The entire recording won’t fit on a player that has less than 1 Gigabyte.

Maximum volume of an MP3: While the volume at which you want to listen to your audio books is something that you can control, MP3 players cannot play audio books at a level that can compete with outside noise. MP3 players can be used to play music with nuances that are less delicate than the spoken word. You can choose to wear a cover over the ear-plugs if this happens with your MP3 audio book player.

Software for MP3: You should check whether the software allows you to return to a specific chapter in case you run out of battery power or the player crashes. Your player should have a system for sorting through the different chapters of an audio book.

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